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Is a central asbestos database far-fetched?

"There is no clear evidence on what additional benefits a national asbestos register would bring. Given the sheer number of buildings that contain asbestos, it would be very difficult to maintain." The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

We beg to differ...

The HSE currently does not hold a central register that shows where in the UK asbestos exists in-situ, or in what condition.

Furthermore, the authority insists that such a register would provide few if any benefits to occupants and employees within some of the UK's most at-risk public buildings.

Yet evidence to the contrary is already at hand.

The UK National Asbestos Register (UKNaR) has tested its interface product Asbestos SMART, which gives: "visiting contractors and key on-site personnel immediate access to the latest asbestos register for your building, just by using their mobile phone or smart mobile device".

Once a public building is registered with UKNAR and enrolled into the Asbestos SMART system, that building is then given its own QR code, which once scanned shows the location, type and condition of asbestos wherever it may be found on site.

Having this type of knowledge is hugely beneficial to those operating within asbestos-containing buildings and can greatly increase our understanding on how to prioritise phased removal, based on the data collected.

Airtight on Asbestos supports the work of companies and organisations that are leading the industry on bridging the asbestos safety gap with simple and effective innovation. Please visit UKNaR's website for more information.


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